Saturday, November 5, 2011

Grow Baby, Grow!

Mason had his nine month well-baby check up at the pediatrician on Thursday. I knew he had gotten a little taller, because we had to pack away all his 9mo sized clothing and pull out the 12 month and bigger things, but I had no idea how much he had grown! The first week of October her was 19.9lbs and 27.5 inches, Thursday he was 21.1lbs and 31INCHES! He's grown 3.5 inches in a matter of 3 months, it baffles my mind! He's so healthy, he's in the 75th% for both his heigh and weight. He got and A++ from the doctor :) We went over all the normal well baby check up questions and answer, and the doctor cracked me up. He was overly concerned about us feeding Mason table food. Mason has been eating mostly table food for about two months. He kept insisting that he was going to choke on it haha, right, I'd purposely give my child food he would choke on! ;) Both my boys have preferred real food over mushy baby food, its just how they're wired. Another shocker for me the slip he handed me for blood work. We never had to do blood work for Damien at a year, but Mason has to go to the lab and have a CBC and lead test done. I'm definitely not looking forward to that one, but hopefully its just a toe prick and not a full on blood draw!


  1. My handsome godson! :) So happy he's getting big and strong and staying healthy!

  2. awesome and I miss you on facebook :)
