Thursday, January 27, 2011

He's here!!

Well I guess the fact that I'm posting this 11 days AFTER he was actually born is a true testament to "what comes with two under two"...I am B-U-S-Y.

Mason James Koszalka came into this world on January 16th, 2011 at 10:32pm. After just a short 6 hours of labor from first contraction to in my arms (literally in my arms, I delivered him myself...coolest thing ever) he came SCREAMING HIS HEAD OFF at a nice robust 8lbs 2oz and 21inches long. First thing out of both Mommy&Daddy's mouths were "You look like Damien!!". Guess what, he really does look like his brother haha. If you compare them in real time, they have big differences, but as I look back through Damien's pictures from when he was a newborn they're almost identical...Mason is just a lot chubbier. He's quite the dream baby I can't complain. He is a champion eater, prefers to sleep in the quiet of our bedroom in his crib, and is easy peasy. We just don't mess with his eating haha, when he wants it you better get it and get it fast!

So the biggest question I keep getting, "How is it with two?" Its interesting. Pretty much everything having to do with Mason is easier this time around, I'm not that neurotic, paranoid first time mother who is looking up every little cry and rash in her books or googling "Is this Normal" or calling the pediatrician at 2am because the poop is a weird color.... So in a way, I suppose it is definitely easier in that aspect. However, I now have a very jealous 22 month old who, finally, after a week has gone by has realized that this little being is not leaving any time soon. I am catching myself saying things like "No no Damien, Mason doesn't eat cookies", "Damien we don't poke brother in the face", "Damien stop turning off the bouncy chair", "Damien get out of Mason's crib!"....You get the idea. But in all he's been good, I'd say he's 75% curious and 25% jealous, I'll take it. I have to remind myself that as much attention as Mason needs right now I need to be giving Damien as well. That, and I definitely still need to nap with them haha.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it!!! How amazing that you have two beautiful little boys! I also love love love that you delivered Mason yourself... will you message me on FB or something and let me know how you went about it? I really want to with our next and just love that I 'know' someone that's done it!!!
    p.s. I haven't forgotten your homemade gifts- I just had to finish Marchie birthday stuff for some BBC ladies so it's taking a while to get to everything else I need to do.
