Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 16

A picture of someone who inspires you

My own Mommy! My brothers and I were the luckiest kids to have such an amazing Mom. She is now my best friend and I wish I saw her more. If I can manage to become half the Mother that she was and is to me then I will feel like I succeeded. Now on top of being such a great Mom she is an equally awesome Grandma to my boys. Love you so much Mom!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 15

A picture of something you want to do before you die.

Take my husband back to Greece (sans children) and spend two weeks in Chalkidi... Laying on the beach, having drinks (and giant donuts!) at the beach bars, eating delicious Greek food and visiting with my Aunt! Shes the best tour guide!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 14

A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without. ...How could I pick just one of them? :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 13

A picture of y0ur favorite band

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 12

A picture of something you love

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 11

A picture of something you hate.

FIre Pillow

A hot pillow! I can NOT fall asleep on a warm pillow it has to be cool to the touch haha. I will flip my pillow over and over and over again until I fall asleep!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 10

Bad bad week. Don't ask. But I'm going to start this back up...

A picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with...

We may not hang out much anymore but our lives are just in different places! We have gotten into WAY too much trouble together!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 9

A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

Love him with my whole heart. We've had rough times and patches but we truly are made for each other. Perfect balance of up tight and laid back, neat freak and messy, adventurous and shy. He helped me get my head on straight and learn good work ethic, pushed me to go after what i wanted, taught me to drive, held my hand through the birth of our first, held my hand and dragged me through months of terrible post partum depression and never made me feel bad about it, held my hand through the birth of our second son and is still holding my hand. Things are not perfect, sometimes they are not even good, but we are going to grow old together. He is my best friend.

Day 8

A picture that makes you laugh...

Fell asleep but didn't let go of his donut haha...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 7

A picture of your most treasured item:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

day 6

A person you'd most like to trade places with for the day

Child relaxing in natural Swimming Pool. Royalty Free Stock Photo

I dont know who this kid is....but I want to be him!

Gotta love diaper giveaways!

I'm reposting this for another entry for a 12pack of cloth diapers :) Go check it out!

Day Five: A Picture of your favorite memory

WARNING: Some may find this graphic, its a picture of live birth. While nothing is showing, I still need to warn haha.

This is a picture of Mason in his first seconds of life. The doctor delivered his head, then I got to reach down, grab him, and pull him out the rest of the way. It was......indescribable. I was the first person to hold my baby, not some doctor :) He felt me first. I delivered my baby.

Day Four: A picture of your night

For some reason this didn't save! I tried to post it from my phone and I guess I wasn't tech savvy enough to pull it off haha

I spent that night cutting up 4 yards of tulle into 3x18 inch strips! This tutu is for my beautiful little Goddaughter Brooklyn for her 3 month photo shoot. :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day Three

Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Grey's Anatomy

Sucks me in. And...right now, they're being horribly evil and there is a 3 week break in the show on a huge cliffhanger! Shoot me.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day Two

A Picture of you and the person you've been closest with the longest.

Lindsey and I! I've had friends for longer, but her and I are actually still close. She's one of the only friends who didn't completely desert me when Damien came to be, and she's great to both my boys. Love you Linds!

Facebook 30 day challenge **Day One***

There is this big Facebook picture challenge that everyone is doing, so I'm going to do it on here instead :)

Day One: A Picture of Yourself and Five Facts....

1. I love being pregnant, hence the picture, its a time when I feel my most beautiful and womanly.

2. I'm the only girl in a family of all brothers. I don't understand females and their antics and I tend to get along with few of them. I'm also secretly (at least was secrectly) excited that I have two boys and by probability rates will continue to have boys, I know what to do with them.

3. I'm married to a beautiful, fabulous man and have two beautiful, fabulous little boys.

4. My dream is to be an R.N. and to eventually work in the NICU. This was my dream before I had kids and despite what anyone says, I still want to do it. Having kids doesn't make it harder, I think it will just make me a more compassionate nurse in that field.

5. I have naturally curly hair and I straighten it almost every day. I love it but I hate it!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Random thoughts...

First Random thought is that I am majorly sucking at this whole blog thing. That last thing I want to do at night is sit and try to un-jumble the thoughts in my head and write them out so another human being can actually understand them haha. So a forum post a friend made earlier sparked this "Random Thoughts" post... (Thanks Christa)

To start it off is my new favorite song... I've heard it before, but watching it put with Grey's Anatomy during the most recent new episode that was a musical really made me love it! I was sobbing five minutes in haha. Brandi Carlisle - The Story. LOVE it. It really got me thinking listening to it closely... It really reminds me of the past five years that I've been through with my husband. We've only been married for the past two, but were together the previous three before that. The lines "I crossed all the lines and I broke all the rules But baby I broke them all for you" really tell it all. Anyone who has known me closely for any length of time knows what happened between him and I in 2007. I'm not going to hash out all the nasty details but in the cliff notes version... we were engaged, he disappeared, smashed my world to smithereens, came back, left again and smashed my last shred of dignity, then came back again. EVERY SINGLE person in my life told me I was mentally insane for taking him back. I "broke all the rules" and as I sit in my quiet house with one beautiful sleeping baby on the couch next to me and my other beautiful sleeping child in bed with one beautiful man who I'm lucky to call my husband... I'm glad I did.

Random thought #2. Sex and the City 2 sucked.... Just watched it tonight for the first time. Enough said.

Random thought #3: All this "The World is Ending" talk that has been sparked by the quake and tsunami in Japan REALLY stressed me out for about a week. I started thinking about the possibility, and that it wouldn't be fair for my kids to be cheated of living a full long life. Then I started really thinking about it and reminded myself that A) if it did end up happening soon, there is absolutely nothing I could do to stop it, so I need to chill out and enjoy my life, and B) if it does happen, Big Man upstairs is going to come and call us all home, so it doesn't matter....

which leads to...
Random Thought # 4: Let go and let God. That, and, "Oh well, its not my problem"...those are my new years resolutions for 2011 ha ha. Previously I've had a problem with involving myself in other peoples problems, and it takes too much of me away from, well, myself... and my family too. Granted there are things that are not "my problem" but that I will still involve myself with because I love the people that the said problem is revolving around, but I have learned to separate myself from issues that are petty. All I have to say is it's made a huge difference and I'm a way happier person. Sometimes there just isn't anything you can do and sometimes the drama just isn't worth it.

Random thought #5: I miss dancing, who wants to watch my boys Monday and Wednesday from 2-3:20PM next semester? I must. I need to Plie, arabesque, echappe, battement tendu and get loosy goosy again. I think if I tried to do a grand plie right now my hip bones would probably snap right out of the socket. pathetic. I wonder if I could even do it after two babies haha.

Random thought #6: Its 1am and Mason has usually eaten about an hour ago and he will NOT wake up to eat haha. I am so tired and I want to go to bed for good. If I go to sleep now I know he will wake up the minute I drift off so I feel like death when i wake up. Come on Kid!

Okay no more random thoughts, so here's that song